
What difference would it have made
if we hadn’t seen God
as separate from us,
safe in a holy heaven
while we struggled here on earth

instead of knowing
we are all made in the image of God
and the presence of Spirit in us
is the over-lighting power
and indwelling love
of our soul?

What difference if we hadn’t seen others
as separate, other,
rather than part of the same family?

What difference if we had known
we are intimately connected
to our planet
and had not used and abused it
as our resource?

Our faith and our world view
can have far-reaching consequences.


The end is like the beginning
they say,
naked as we change worlds.

The journey between
is what we know,
growing our outer and inner lives,
friends, possessions, memories,
substance and spin,
then losing them again.

What lasts?
What is the essence woven fast and deep
that births the waters of death
like a ripe seed?


What does repent mean? The Chambers dictionary defines it as ‘to regret, be sorry for, or wish to have been otherwise, what one has done or left undone; to change from past evil or misconduct; to feel contrition; to sorrow.’ I have heard it taught in church that repentance should be our response when realising that we have sinned ie we have fallen short of God’s standards. It is often used to promote acceptable behaviour, and implicitly, acceptance in the church and by God.
Interestingly, when I studied the word repentance, I found it was in accord with this. The Greek word is metanoia. Noia is from the word nous meaning the mind, not actions. Metanoia means to change, enlarge or go beyond your mind, in other words to see something differently, and ultimately to change our paradigm or world view. In current spiritual language it would mean to change our consciousness. Of course seeing something differently often does lead to a change in behaviour but this is not the primary meaning.

10th March 2024

We have had a lot of rain.  Some unfortunate people have had their houses or their farmland flooded.  Our house is higher than our garden so we are dry although the garden can easily get flooded.  In Britain it is common for us to bemoan the rainy days, even when not at risk of flooding.  It is the easy topic when passing someone on a walk.  Of course we need the rain and can appreciate it for that.  But perhaps we could also engage with the dull, rainy days and find and enjoy the difference they bring to our daily experience.  Our daughter Joy used to have a sign on her wall that said ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.’  And she did.

Wet weather

The rain
has taken my garden,
folding it soft and wet
into grey arms
and closing me out.

I am marooned
in rooms and busy thoughts
but I can view
from a window.

Cowslips and buttercups
shine yellow
while the grass
shoots strong and green,
revelling in its muddy puddles. 

The garden is exercising its right
to be wild,
to soak itself in the weather
and let its roots gather
the profusion it craves. 

I will enjoy it vicariously.

9th February 2024

February is a quiet month which still feels wintry, but Imbolc, the Celtic festival heralding new beginnings, was on the 1st and change is in the air.  Beneath the dead leaves new shoots are showing, crocuses are blooming and buds and catkins adorn the trees.  It can still be cold but our days are getting longer.

These signs of new life can lift our spirits.  But let us not hurry our minds into spring.  Let us continue to enjoy the bare skies, the colder weather, a season of resting and refreshing.  All seasons are important, all months have their special flavor, and we can find ours along with the rest of our planet. 

Valentine’s day

Valentine’s day and all is quiet.  The sun warms the tips of the houses and slithers in wet abandon across the frosty lawn.  The wintered leaves still stick in brown batches underfoot, some crispy, some soggy, covering the beginning-bare shoots that are poking through and preparing for spring.  The cool air holds the sun’s smile like ivy on a fortress.  The garden is full of shining surfaces as frost crystals, wet leaves and ice mirror the sun.  The birds sing gently to hold the silence of the air like a glass bowl and not to fill it. 

Every day is different.  Every day holds different surprises as sun and air conspire in changing patterns.  Every day presents new surfaces for our inner worlds to respond to. Today, sitting in the sun, there is a peace that spreads like melting butter through any processes of thought.  There is patience in the frozen pond.  There is openness in the bare branches.

To sit here for a while is to lose one’s own manner of being and become, for a moment, the morning.  It is to lose the distinction between inner and outer, that hard line of thought, like bread without a crust, soaking the day into every fibre.

So today I begin as I mean to other days, the gift having been given and received, the hope heard, the inner paths prepared.  This day is a valentine.  This day all is well with my soul.