Inner Wellies Page


Inner Wellies

Each morning
I’m going to put on
my inner wellies
so I can splosh and slop
through all the floods and mud
life sends me
instead of tiptoeing round the edge
or getting stuck in the muck.

Available from The Christian Education Website or by telephone 0121 472 4242      
£7.99 inc. p&p
Inner Wellies encourages readers to enjoy exploring God in everyday life with a wide range of creative pieces, poems, questions and quotes to inspire prayer, reflection and discussion, while avoiding religious jargon.

Inner Wellies is written for those who feel on the outside of religion to share ways of being on the inside of God, and for those whose faith lies within the form of religion to find expressions of God beyond the boundaries.

It is a book about life and God. It explores God in the particular, in birth or beauty, in stress or humanness, in laughter or wonder, looking at God through the eyes of the world not of religion. It is a book that links God with our humanness, our wanderings and our wonderings. It is a book for people who are spiritual, whether or not they are religious, and it places the forum for our spirituality in the physical realities of everyday life.

The aim of the book is to encourage the reader to explore and enjoy God in a way that works best for them, to give them a tool that they can use where they are and in which they are co-creators. It is a book for seekers who have no religious tradition to turn to with God-questions. It is a book for worshippers to deepen the relationship they have. And it is also a resource that can be used while leading groups. It is a book that maintains that God is out there and wants to be part of our spiritual journey.

"Jane Upchurch is a trustworthy, challenging and loving guide, poetically marking out the spiritual territory. Seekers of all ages and different backgrounds will find this book both profound and readable, with a fresh invitation and lots of space on the page and in the heart to discover that journey for themselves."

Tess Ward
Author of The Celtic Wheel of the Year: Celtic & Christian Seasonal Prayers

Inner Wellies review on the Sophia Network Website
Inner Wellies review on Page 16 of London School of Theology Magazine – pdf download

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